Saturday, May 18, 2019

Things to Note When Delivery Funny Stories

Every good joke or funny story needs to have element of surprise. And other elements to take to use to heighten the factor of surprise in your funny story are
1.       Exaggeration
2.       Familiarity and,
3.       Irony
You can include toppers and tags as well in writing your funny story as they are additional punchlines that you can use to improve on the first punchline. Tags and toppers are somewhat ways through which you can make your audience to laugh the more without necessarily writing or cracking new joke.
You should also endeavor to say and practice your joke before you deliver it to your audience. You need to subconsciously find the story funny and amusing first before others can laugh at it. You should revise the story until you have found it laughable.
And before you deliver your written funny story, you should consider people who are your audience. This is a sure way of making the audience understand the joke and find it amusing and laughable. Some young comedians can only make young and not elderly laugh with their random jokes. If you know people who are your audience very well, you will not likely offend them.
You are also advised to look at the set of people you are delivering your funny story to. It is not a good joke to crack about a maltreated woman who did not get her way or revenge to a group of women. They will never find it laughable.
You should also imbibe gestures and expressions when delivering your joke as this will go a long way to improve the punchline and the setup. If possible, you can draw pictures or sketches to make people understand your short jokes. You should exude confidence and be relaxed when delivering your funny stories.
Kindly visit the to see how jokes are written with the above elements and factors included so that you will know how to write your own.

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