Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Buying the right Himalayan pink salt lamp

Natural living has started taking its course these days with many people starting to use natural things and ingredients for themselves. One such great thing that off late people are learning about is Halotherapy. Halotherapy is basically salt therapy where people can sit in a room made of Himalayan pink salt and it will curb many health problems. basically, it is said that negative ions from the salt can have many health benefits like better skin, good blood pressure, proper blood circulation, etc. But taking a therapy every time is not possible, but one can definitely buy a Himalayan salt lamp to keep it in ones home.
However, one should keep in mind certain things before buying a salt lamp like:
Right salt
Always keep a check that the lamp is of Himalayan pink salt only and not some kind of imitation. Therefore choose a trusted dealer to buy the lamp from.
Pick the right place
One should look out for a room where people spend a lot of time in whether it is the den, the bedroom, study, office, etc. the orange glow from the lamp is also one of the welcoming ones, especially during the colder times. also, choose a surface which is not too far neither too near, and be careful because the lamp can cause some salt rings on the surface too.
Right size
Depending on the size of the room the lamp will be set in one need to pick the right size of the lamp. Bigger the place means bugger should be the Himalayan pink salt lamp.
One will have to change the bulb often depending on how often the lamp is used just like normal regular lamps. Also one might have to do some extra dusting and cleaning because the negative ions from the lamp tent to get attached to the dust particle which then gets settled down due to weight.

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