Friday, June 7, 2019

What are the benefits and uses of weighted blankets?

Not everyone who is suffering from anxiety can get relief with the help of medicines. But yes, there is yet another method by which anxiety can be managed – by using Namaste weighted blankets.

What are weighted blankets?
These weighted blankets have a weight which is being evenly distributed all along. The weight will differ depending on the user and the size of the blanket. These weighted blankets for adults are designed in a particular manner where they are warm and provide gentle pressure to the person which makes the person feel that he or she is being held on to. 

What are the benefits of weighted blankets?
Helps in improving sleep: the weighted blanket for anxiety provides an environment for the user in which he or she can comfortably fall asleep. Basically, this blanket will make the person feel warm and safe, which makes the body relaxed and puts the mind at ease.
Release of melatonin: melatonin is that hormone which helps in promoting sleep and also helps in regulating the sleep cycle. 

The other ways in which a weighted blanket can be useful:
·         Nervous system disorders
·         Sleep disorders
·         Autism
Before you get yourself a weighted blanket consider the following things:
Materials: the manufacturers will have to follow certain guidelines for their products. Thus, the materials used in the Namaste blankets have to pass some criteria which will help in ensuring the quality and safety of the product.
Warranty: always make sure you check the quality of the product before you make your purchase and also see to the warranty that comes along so that if there is any damage before the warranty is over, you can get some replacement.
 Click here  Namaste blankets

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